AC Telfer at Hay 2012

AC Telfer exhibition at Hay on Wye

The wonderful work of AC Telfer is on exhibition at Shepherds Ice Cream Parlour in Hay on Wye. You can find out more about her work at – a site designed right here at gingerjam.


hi Richard

Well I’ve not done much drawing lately – primarily because I’ve been too busy snapping panorama shots with microsoft’s free photosynth app. You can stich and upload these shots to the photosynth site and then embed them in your site (as above) or you can take a look at them in their flat state where […]

AC telfer at Arteology

Arteology in Colne is currently showing the work of AC Telfer in its featured artist window. The bus took me past the window this morning and it looks fantastic. I was proud to have produced this promo sheet for the event, as well as having recently designed the new website.      

My favourite birthday present

As well as a smashing trip up Snowden last weekend (thanks Al), I received this hand crafted sculpture from daughter. I’m going to call her Susan and treasure her forever. UPDATE: The figure of Susan came to into my daughter’s head in a dream. At the time of construction daughter had forgotten her name. When […]


AC Telfer exhibition in Hay

If you’re in the Hay-on-Wye area and you like great art and ice cream, you must pop into Shepherds where they are currently displaying paintings by AC Telfer.  You can see much more of this talented artist’s work at