Every once in a while I get to be part of thing of joy. Like this. As part of Painting Padiham 2018, the Men from NAFA urged the people of Padiham to gift them poems and words that would be launched into space. I was lucky enough to provide ground support in the form of graphic […]
The Men from NAFA

Complete Freedom Scorned

Now available, the Complete Freedom Scorned! This project seems to have spanned the history of this little blog, starting as a one-off sketch back in 2012, and is now a complete narrative, available to buy from comixology. Cover Gallery About Freedom Scorned You can read more about the book on it’s own little mini-site, but, in […]
Happy Santa

Merry Christmas you all! Here’s a happy Santa for you, and as a bonus Christmas gift, here’s a black and white version for you to colour in at home!
inktober 2017

Inktober’s a great exercise and, though I clearly failed on the drawing per day, I did do drawing – yay! All drawings completed on iPad pro with Apple Pencil. No real inks or pens suffered in the process of making these drawings.
New Year – New Freedom Scorned

Issue Three of Freedom Scorned is in the bag. That is, all the artwork is done and its off to Comixology for approval. Here’s a quick video of page 23 in progress. And a sneak peek at the cover artwork. And here’s the blurb: Dawn’s husband has done a runner. He’s lost his job, and […]
Red Riding Hood

A quick comic, no script, no plot, no plan. Just for fun.
Creating Comics at the Burnley Literary Festival

Creating Comics was a workshop I ran as part of the Burnley Literary Festival. I was invited as a result of my recently published comic, Freedom Scorned (available from comixology submit). The event took place in the basement of the Mechanics Theatre on the 31st October and, I think, went splendidly, thanks to enthusiastic and talented attendees. Creating Comics the GingerJam […]
Prehistoric daubs at 22b

I had a primal, neandarthal life drawing session at Studio 22b this week. The theme for the session was prehistoric cave drawing. In keeping with the concept I left the ipad pro in my bag and went to it armed with nothing but earthy coloured charcoal. Lots of excellent, dynamic poses from the model and appropriate […]
Ginger Jam Comics

I’m branching out, with the launch of Ginger Jam Comics. This may sound rather grand, especially as right now I have a total of one self published book (actually, hurrah! I have a book). Issue One of Freedom Scorned is available now from comixology Submit. I also have a mini-site right here on gingerjam.co.uk. Freedom […]
Dancers at Drink and Draw

Fantastic nights drawing at drink and draw with enthusiastic, if occasionally fidgety, young models showing off a range of dancing skills. ipad Pro now seems like the only drawing implement I’d ever want. It’s top draw… I’m using Procreate, keeping to one tool, the 6b pencil, which is ever so flexible especially when the pencil […]
de Lempicka at Studio 22b

I took the iPad Pro along to life drawing – a session inspired by the work Tamara de Lempicka, at Studio 22b. iPad Pro is a great drawing tool, alongside the Apple pencil and Procreate app. Taking it to a life drawing session was a really good test – it allowed me all the flexibility […]
Fire Girl v Manet

More drinking and drawing in Blackburn, with more fire! There’s to be an exhibition of Drink and Draw work at the Bureau in Blackburn, and I’m hoping to put a few finished pieces up, as well as some sketches. Classic poses at Studio 22b Meanwhile at Studio 22b, life drawing has taken […]