Gosh. Isn’t windy? I mean it’s really very turbulent outside today. I walked up Weets Hill this morning and the power of the wind took my breath away, in a literal way… and gave me a Wallace and Gromit type smile. It’s inspired me to colour in this sketch, as a sort of here comes autumn kind of thing. I should point out that this artwork is not of Weets Hill, it’s of a far gentler slope from my imagination.


Here’s the original sketch and some stages in the development of the piece. Note – the shadow on the right moves right at the last moment as I finally decide that it’s coming in at the wrong angle. I preferred it before, but it was wrong. Might still tweak that a bit more. In the original sketch there’s  a creepy dead tree in the foreground, but that wasn’t what I wanted this to be about. I want the figures to be looking at the leaves and the sky, without being crowded or spooked by an old stump.