WordPress toolbox

Here’s a collection of online resources and tools that I’ve used recently when developing WordPress Templates. Don’t leave home without your WordPress toolbox, even if you’re working from home; in your jammies. Bootstrap 3 Super flexible and useful CSS framework, mobile friendly and full of extra goodies. jQuery You need this for a lot of […]

Bootstrap 3

I like to give the site a bit of a facelift every year. It gives me a chance to review how stuff is going and to experiment with new techniques. Last year I used Twitter’s bootstrap to provide grids and structure, and I’ve bootstrapped everything since. This time around I’ve used Bootstrap 3, which I’d […]

Bootstrap Breakpoint Wallpaper

Merry Christmas everybody. Here’s a freebie for coders who use Twitter’s css bootstrap framework. The bootstrap breakpoint wallpaper shows the major bootstrap breakpoints for your Mac (or PC) with a resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels. I use this as my wallpaper whilst developing so I can quickly resize my browser or code editor preview to […]

Bootstrap CSS framework with WordPress

At last, we get to the meat of Twitter’s Bootstrap. The whole point is, after all, to have a nice clean CSS framework to work with. Back in the mists of internet time we had to design with tables and, though I’ve no desire to go back to that, it did provide a common way […]

Using Twitter’s Bootstrap Carousel with WordPress

Today I’m going to add Twitter’s Bootstrap carousel to my WordPress blog. Like a lot of the features in Bootstrap it’s not overloaded with functionality. It looks nice, works well and is easy to implement. For gingerjam I want the carousel to contain my latest 12 posts in groups of four. This is the central […]

Bootstrap and WordPress

I’m going to see how easily I can re-do the WordPress gingerjam theme with Twitter’s Bootstrap. Hopefully I’ll end up with clean, consistent code that, if it fails, can be blamed on those lovely twitter people. Step one I make a copy of the theme directory, rename it gingerbootstrap and strip out anything I don’t […]


Increasingly, as a web-designer/coder, I’ve been feeling the need for some sort of boilerplate, grid system or starting point. There are plenty of them about and I’ve been dithering for a while, but now, perhaps, I’ve found just the thing with Twitter’s Bootstrap. I have used the 1k grid, which is excellent. As the name […]