Complete Freedom Scorned

The complete freedom scorned

Now available, the Complete Freedom Scorned! This project seems to have spanned the history of this little blog, starting as a one-off sketch back in 2012, and is now a complete narrative, available to buy from comixology. Cover Gallery About Freedom Scorned You can read more about the book on it’s own little mini-site, but, in […]

New Year – New Freedom Scorned

Issue Three of Freedom Scorned is in the bag. That is, all the artwork is done and its off to Comixology for approval. Here’s a quick video of page 23 in progress. And a sneak peek at the cover artwork. And here’s the blurb: Dawn’s husband has done a runner. He’s lost his job, and […]

Red Riding Hood

A quick comic, no script, no plot, no plan. Just for fun.

Creating Comics at the Burnley Literary Festival

Creating Comics was a workshop I ran as part of the Burnley Literary Festival. I was invited as a result of my recently published comic, Freedom Scorned (available from comixology submit). The event took place in the basement of the Mechanics Theatre on the 31st October and, I think, went splendidly, thanks to enthusiastic and talented attendees. Creating Comics the GingerJam […]

Ginger Jam Comics

I’m branching out, with the launch of Ginger Jam Comics. This may sound rather grand, especially as right now I have a total of one self published book (actually, hurrah!  I have a book). Issue One of Freedom Scorned is available now from comixology Submit. I also have a mini-site right here on Freedom […]


I’ve been inspired and done some more pencils for my comic, Freedom Scorned. Part of my inspiration came from watching Made You Look – an excellent documentary about illustrators and creatives using natural or pre-digital materials in their work. Pencils are that part of the comic book workflow that’s most alive with possibility – where words […]

Angel Falls

angel falls logo

Now this is a bit of an oddity. Angel Falls is a detail from a larger project, the beginnings of which you can see right here. The brief was to come up with a label for imaginary bottled water company Angel Falls. Within the narrative the company brand had be old fashioned, and more than a […]

Freedom Scorned – the beginnings of a new graphic novel?

We all deserve freedom – we strive for it, fight for it and, in some cases, do terrible things to achieve it. And then what? This is the first six pages of that thing that I say I’m really into but rarely do any of… It’s a short story, or a graphic novel or something. I’m not […]

The Gecko

Reading the Cecko

We didn’t win. But we had fun trying. So, with the Comic Art Festival on this weekend (17-19th October) here’s our little comic, The Gecko.   You can check out some of the initial drawings and what not here and here and here. Which is probably too many posts for one little three page strip!

The Gecko Part III – turnaround

Colour plays an important part throughout the Gecko* – it’s only on page three that we get full colour, and then it’s not for long. I’ve now submitted the comic to the Titan Undiscovered Talent competition, which is for unpublished work –  so you can’t see it all until I know that a) we have failed or […]

The Gecko Part II – the trip

Ah, the troublesome second page, with a tricky trip and fall sequence… I think my recent life drawing sessions have really helped my drawing, but you can never get a model to hold a pose like this… Techy types will want to know that I’m using Manga Studio for the inks and colours and inDesign […]

The Gecko Part I

Daughter has kindly supplied a three page script and I’ve taken time off from work to illustrate it. Here’s a very quick post just to prove that I’m working on it – page 1, panel 2. Lots more to do, plus: the sun is shining and have a desire to spend time in it…